Now that we're entering the heart of the winter, let's take a look at the coldest winter states.
The temperatures we'll use are state-wide averages calculated from temperatures recorded during the months of December, January and February.
There are seven states that have an average temperature of under 20 degrees Fahrenheit.
Montana, Wyoming and New Hampshire are not on the list as they average a little over 21 degrees.
How many of the seven states can you name?
*****Answers at bottom of page*****
7. South Dakota - 19.5 degrees.
6. Vermont - 19.4 degrees.
5. Wisconsin - 17.2 degrees.
4. Maine - 16.8 degrees.
3. Minnesota - 12.4 degrees.
2. North Dakota - 12.2 degrees.
1. Alaska - 2.6 degrees.